The EU Defence Innovation Scheme is managed by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS).
DG DEFIS manages the implementation of the European Defence Fund (EDF), the EU’s Defence Research and Development programme.
EUDIS is an integral part of the EDF.
Learn more about the European Defence Fund (EDF)
EUDIS is implemented by the European Commission. The European Defence Fund (EDF) Programme Committee, based on the Commission’s proposals, approves the annual prioritisation and the budget for the EUDIS actions in the context of the EDF Work Programme.
Beyond that, feedback and conclusions stemming from a regular dialogue with EU Member States and countries associated to the EDF (Norway), and the European Defence Agency through the EDA’s Hub for Defence Innovation (HEDI), is taken into account by the Commission.
National Focal Points (NFPs) support and facilitate the implementation of the EDF, including EUDIS. NFPs are individuals nominated by EU Member States and Norway. They support the implementation of the EDF, for example, by reaching out to stakeholders or providing advice to potential applicants or beneficiaries of the EDF programme. This includes EUDIS. A full list of NFPs, including contact details, can be found on the website of DG DEFIS.
See here the list of National Focal Points