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EU Defence Innovation Scheme (EUDIS)
Spin-in Calls

Migrate your Innovation from Civil to Defence

Spin in Calls

Spin-in calls focus on migrating innovation from the civil to the defence sector.

These are thematic research or development calls published under the annual European Defence Fund (EDF) calls for proposals.

The objective is to spin-in results generated in other civil EU-funded programmes to the defence sector. The aim is to encourage cross-fertilisation of the civil-defence innovation landscape. Furthermore, it encourages proposals to drive forward and integrate results from other sectors, combining them with defence-specific solutions. This will enhance the overall EU R&D efficiency, avoid unnecessary duplication of R&D efforts, improve defence industrial innovation capacity and make sure the armed forces will have access to the most performant solutions.

The proposals need to build upon or integrate results that have been achieved within one or several projects funded under an EU programme call with a focus on civil applications. This (these) previous project(s) may be completed or may still be active. The submitting consortium does not necessarily need to include the participants or result owners of the previous project(s). However, applicants must provide a confirmation that they have or will have the necessary rights to use and commercialise the results of the previous project(s).

  • Arrow Business Coaching
  • Blank
  • Blank

Rewards and Benefits

  • Spin-in calls offer the opportunity to further develop the results from civil EU-funded R&D programs and bring them to a higher technological readiness level or market maturity.

    • Untap the dual-use potential of civil innovations for defence
    • Expand to new markets
    • Opportunities to sell solutions in multiple sectors
    • Additional sources of funding
    • Enable cross-sector cooperation
    • Take advantage of synergies between civil, defence and space
  • Arrow Twist

How does it work?

The specific calls are announced in the yearly EDF Work Programme.

When submitting a proposal, applicants need to provide evidence that they have the necessary rights to access and commercialise the generated results of the precursor project in a civil EU-funded R&D programme.


Information on the 2024 Spin-in Call:

There is one spin-in call in Materials & Components category on the topic Electronic components.

Electronic components - EDF-2024-RA-SI-MATCOMP-EC-STEP


Information on the 2023 EUDIS Spin-In Calls:

For 2023, the topics covered were:

ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT: Innovative propulsion systems for defence applications

MATERIALS & COMPONENTS: High performance materials for defence applications

CYBER: Automation of security penetration tests

The EDF 2023 round of call for proposals is now closed. The results of the evaluation are expected to be announced by the end of the second quarter of 2024.


Frequently asked questions for Spin-in Calls