Spin-in calls focus on migrating innovation from the civil to the defence sector.
These are thematic research or development calls published under the annual European Defence Fund (EDF) calls for proposals.
Spin-in calls allow for a faster uptake of innovative solutions from civil applications to defence use, with the goal to bring new entities to the defence sector, speed up innovation and ensure more efficient use of EU funding, by tapping into the dual potential of results generated in civil EU-funded R&D and developing them further with the EDF funding.
The aim of EDF spin-in calls is to encourage cross-fertilisation of the civil-defence innovation landscape. Furthermore, it encourages proposals to drive forward and integrate results from other sectors, combining them with defence-specific solutions. This will enhance the overall EU R&D efficiency, avoid unnecessary duplication of R&D efforts, improve defence industrial innovation capacity and make sure the European armed forces will have access to cutting-edge technologies.
Proposals need to build upon or integrate results that have been achieved within one or several projects funded under an EU programme call with a focus on civil applications (e.g. Horizon Europe). These must demonstrate the value added of technologies or concepts from civil research and the positive effect for the EDTIB.
Any proposal that addresses the topic description of spin-in calls can be funded, as long as it brings the results generated in a civil EU-funded R&D programmes into the defence sector. The applicants must provide a confirmation that they have or will have the necessary rights to use and commercialise the results of the previous projects.
Rewards and Benefits
Spin-in calls offer the opportunity to further develop the results from civil EU-funded R&D programs and bring them to a higher technological readiness level or market maturity.
- Untap the dual-use potential of civil innovations for defence
- Expand to new markets
- Opportunities to sell solutions in multiple sectors
- Additional sources of funding
- Enable cross-sector cooperation
- Take advantage of synergies between civil, defence and space
How does it work?
Spin-in calls are published annually in the EDF Work Programme.
When submitting a proposal, applicants must demonstrate that they hold the necessary rights to access and commercialize the results generated by the precursor project developed under a civil EU-funded R&D programme.
Apply for the 2025 Calls
Research Actions
Risk, robustness and resilience for autonomous vehicles in military operations (EDF-2025-LS-RA-SI-CYBER-3RAV-STEP)
This call topic aims to address the capability of unmanned vehicles (UxVs) to be resilient so that they can minimise the consequences of an cyber-attack, and allowing for alternative ways to complete the mission autonomously. This call contributes to the STEP objectives, in the target investment area of deep and digital technologies.
Indicative budget: EUR 20.000.000
Naval hybrid propulsion and power systems (EDF-2025-LS-RA-SI-ENERENV-NH2PS-STEP)
This call topic aims to address the design of a prototype, the testbed and general architecture for a future modular and hybrid propulsion system, hybrid DC power systems and their components for military application. This call contributes to the STEP objectives, in the target investment area of deep and digital technologies.
Indicative budget: EUR 20.000.000
Development Actions
On-orbit operations and services (EDF-2025-DA-SI-SPACE-3OS)
Proposals must address a detailed technical feasibility analysis pointing out the operational benefits of space missions designed to perform space-to-space operations for defence applications and aiming at producing the related technology roadmaps and TRL maturation for selected key critical technologies.
Indicative budget: EUR 49.000.000
Drone-based affordable mass munitions (EDF-2025-DA-SI-GROUND-DAMM)
This call topic aims to study, design, develop, prototype and test new generation of affordable mass munitions for ground combat indirect fire. Solutions should predominantly focus on affordable loitering munitions and small UCAS operating for tactical and/or operational level effects.
Indicative budget: EUR 49.000.000
The deadline date for applications is 16 October 2025, 17:00 Brussels time
Information on the 2024 Spin-in Call:
EDF 2024 included one spin-in call in the Materials & Components category, on the topic Electronic components, with an indicative budget of 25,000,000 €.
The action is expected to define strategies for development and ownership of advanced RF-CMOS supply chain in Europe, possibly a European Silicon foundry base aiming for advanced technology nodes for analog (RF) and digital circuits, as well as technologies or methodologies that enable use of other foundries without compromising assurance.
The results of EDF 2024 calls are expected to be announced in May 2025.
Results of the 2023 Spin-in Calls:
Spin-in calls were first introduced within EDF 2023, covering three topics in the categories Cyber, Energy & Environment and Materials & Components.
Following the evaluation process, 4 project proposals were selected:
- Innovative propulsion solutions for land and naval defence applications (CALIPSO)
- Additive Manufacturing of composite based fire-resistant materials for stealth, Ballistic Lightweight armored structures (ADMIRABLE)
- Generative Automation of Security Penetration Tests (TRITON)
- Advanced FILAVA-based materials for a new generation of ultralight, more resistant, eco-designed, morpho-and REACH-compliant Personal Protection Equipment's hard-components for EU Military (IMMUNE)
Spin-in calls build on results from civil EU-funded R&D programmes that can be further developed and utilized in the context of the defence sector under the EDF programme.
To this effect, the EDF publishes open or thematic R&D calls, which focus on migrating innovation funded by the EU from the civil to the defence sector.
EDF 2024 includes one spin-in call in the Materials & Components category, on the topic Electronic components, with an indicative budget of 25,000,000 €.
Any proposal that addresses the topic description can be funded, as long as it spins the results generated in a civil EU-funded R&D programme into the defence sector.
It is necessary to have the rights to these results to be integrated in a EDF action, or to obtain the necessary agreement from the owners/rightsholders.
EDF Work Programme publishes open or thematic research or development calls. The only requirement is that results from other EU R&D programmes are used and to have or obtain the rights to these results.
Any EU civil research projects that are relevant for a spin-in into defence can be supported under this measure.
No. The spin-in calls are limited to civil EU-funded R&D programmes.
The general principles of the EDF apply, as well as international law. Certain topics are subject to ethical screening and assessment.
The eligibility criteria in the Admissibility and Eligibility Form of the 2024 Work Programme of the EDF specifies that applicants should be in a position to have the rights to the results to integrate in the action for the purposes of its implementation (before the Grant Agreement signature).
If this criterion is fulfilled, on-going projects are in principle accepted.