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EU Defence Innovation Scheme (EUDIS)
Technological Challenges


Technological challenges

A technological challenge is a type of Research & Development action.

Different teams address a challenging objective using a common testing environment set up for that purpose.

Technological challenges are particularly suited to studying complex systems, especially those involving artificial intelligence and machine learning, as they enable the objective and comparable measurement of the performances of such systems.

In a technological challenge, the organiser defines common experimental protocols in cooperation with the participating R&D teams before providing the environment enabling the teams to test their systems according to these protocols.

  • Arrow Twist

Rewards and Benefits

  • Unique opportunity for innovators in a given domain to progress faster:
    • Gain privileged access to resources tailored to the objective
    • Perform unbiased experimental measurements
    • Gain first-hand information about the state-of-the-art
  • Fosters networking among the best teams in the domain
  • Results obtained by the teams can help them to get further support and funding

How does it work?

In 2024, there are two Technological Challenge calls for proposals currently open for Participating or Organising a Technological Challenge. First one is in the sensor domain on the topic - Multi-sensor integration for robust autonomous drone navigation and the second one is  in the space domain on the topic -  Multi-source satellite image analysis.

Information on the 2024 Call on Technological Challenge:

Information on the 2023 Call on Technological Challenge:

The 2023 round of Technological Challenge calls for proposals is closed. The results of the evaluation are expected to be announced by the end of the second quarter of 2024.

  • Arrow Business Coaching


Frequently Asked Questions on Technological Challenges