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EU Defence Innovation Scheme (EUDIS)


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EUDIS Hackathon's webpage

Hackathons are awareness and outreach events that help to develop innovative solutions for EU defence actors and bring together people with different expertise and background to solve defence challenges.

They are an excellent opportunity to attract highly skilled individuals and early start-up businesses to the defence sector and match end-users with industry.

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Rewards & Benefits

  • Individuals form teams to participate in hackathons. Hackathons challenge the teams’ novel ideas in a competitive and co-operative learning environment.



  • The winning teams receive awards, such as a follow-up mentoring program, designed to help them advance the development of their solutions. Therefore, hackathons can speed-up the development cycle of SMEs or start-ups.



  • Broadly, hackathons offer SMEs, start-ups, and researchers an exciting opportunity to learn more about defence and enter this sector. It also helps existing defence start-ups to find new ways for cooperation and connection with military end-users.

  • Use your ideas and solutions to solve a challenge

  • Receive professional feedback and mentoring during the hackathon event

  • Experience a stimulating, creative, and co-operative learning environment

  • Compete in EU/Norway-wide simultaneous events in several locations

  • Benefit from an attractive follow-up mentoring program for winners

  • Arrow Lined Down - Hackathon

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an idea-sprint event where individuals come together, form teams and collaboratively build a unique solution to a problem from scratch in a limited time. Hackathons will be held simultaneously in several locations in EU/Norway.

These events aim at solving challenges and problems for military end-users with clear solutions. They connect young STEM researchers with defence industrial entrepreneurs and military end-users. They attract young innovators and help them to discover innovative solutions for defence capability and technology needs. Hackathons usually serve as an excellent awareness-raising occasion to promote skills and opportunities for the defence industry.

Hackathon 2024

The first EUDIS hackathon took place on 31 May to 2 June 2024. The theme of the hackathon was “Digital in Defence”. Results from the hackathon is published on the contractor’s EUDIS hackathon webpage.

On 22-24 November 2024, defence will also be included in the joint space and defence CASSINI hackathon.


Frequently asked questions on EUDIS Hackathons

  • Arrow Up - Hackathon